Publications from Ngogo
Clark, I.R., Sandel, A.A., Reddy, R.B., and Langergraber, K.E. (2021). A preliminary analysis of wound care and other-regarding behavior in wild chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Primates, 62(5): 697-702.
Reddy, R.B., Langergraber, K.E., Sandel, A.A., Vigilant, L., and Mitani, J.C. (2021). The development of affiliative and coercive reproductive tactics in male chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288: 20202679.
Sandel, A.A., and Reddy, R.B. (2021). Sociosexual behaviour in wild chimpanzees occurs in variable contexts and is frequent between same-sex partners. Behaviour, 158: 249-276.
Sandel, A.A., Rushmore, J., Negrey, J.D., Mitani, J.C., Lyons, D.M., and Caillaud, D. (2021). Social network predicts susceptibility to respiratory infection in a wild chimpanzee group. EcoHealth, 17: 437-448.
Sandel, A.A., and Watts, D.P. (2021). Lethal coalitionary aggression associated with a community fission in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. International Journal of Primatology, 42: 26–48.
Bădescu, I., Sicotte, P., Sandel, A.A., Desruelle, K.J., Curteanu, C., Watts, D.P., and Sellen, D.W. (2020). Premasticated food transfer by wild chimpanzee mothers with their infants: Effects of maternal parity, infant age and sex, and food properties. Journal of Human Evolution, 143: 102794. doi:
Negrey, J.D., Emery Thompson, M., Langergraber, K.E., Machanda, Z.P., Mitani, J.C., Muller, M.N., Otali, E., Owens, L.A., Wrangham, R.W., and Goldberg, T.L. (2020). Demography, life-history trade-offs, and the gastrointestinal virome of wild chimpanzees. Philosophical Transactions B., 375: 20190613.
Negrey, J.D., and Langergraber, K.E. (2020). Corpse-directed play parenting by a sterile adult female chimpanzee. Primates, 61: 29–34. doi:
Negrey, J.D., Sandel, A.A., and Langergraber, K.E. (2020). Dominance rank and the presence of sexually receptive females predict feces-measured body temperature in male chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74( 5): 2020.
Mitani, J.C. (2020). My life among the apes. American Journal of Primatology: e23107.
Potts, K.B., Watts, D.P., Langergraber, K.E., and Mitani, J.C. (2020). Long‐term trends in fruit production in a tropical forest at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Biotropics, 52(3): 521-532.
Reddy, R.B., and Mitani, J.C. (2020). Adolescent and young adult male chimpanzees form affiliative, yet aggressive, relationships with females. Journal of Human Evolution, 144: 102813. doi:
Reddy, R.B., and Sandel, A.A. (2020). Social relationships between chimpanzee sons and mothers endure but change during adolescence and adulthood. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74(12): 150.
Sandel, A.A., Langergraber, K.E., and Mitani, J.C. (2020). Adolescent male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) form social bonds with their brothers and others during the transition to adulthood. American Journal of Primatology, 82: e23091. doi:
Watts, D.P. (2020). Responses to dead and dying conspecifics and heterospecifics by wild mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). Primates, 61: 55–68. doi:
Chesterman, N.S., Angedakin, S., Mbabazi, G., Tibisimwa, J., and Sandel, A.A. (2019). Evidence and ecology of historic human settlements in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Human Ecology, 47: 765-775.
Luef, E.M., and Pika, S. (2019). Social relationships and greetings in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): use of signal combinations. Primates, 60: 507–515. doi:
Negrey, J.D., Reddy, R.B., Scully, E.J., Phillips-Garcia, S., Owens, L.A., Langergraber, K.E., Mitani, J.C., Emery Thompson, M.E., Wrangham, R.W., Muller, M.N., Otali, E., Machanda, Z., Hyeroba, D., Grindle, K.A., Pappas, T.E., Palmenberg, A.C., Gern, J.E., and Goldberg, T.L. (2019). Simultaneous outbreaks of respiratory disease in wild chimpanzees caused by distinct viruses of human origin. Emerging Microbes & Infections, 8(1): 139-149. doi:
Reddy, R.B., and Mitani, J.C. (2019). Social relationships and caregiving behavior between recently orphaned chimpanzee siblings. Primates, 60(5): 389-400.
Watts, D. P. (2018). Male dominance relationships in an extremely large chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, Behaviour, 155(13-15): 969-1009. doi:
Granjon, A.C., Rowney, C., Vigilant, L., and Langergraber, K.E. (2017). Evaluating genetic capture-mark-recapture using a chimpanzee population of known size. Journal of Wildlife Management, 81: 279-288.
Langergraber, K.E., Watts, D.P., Vigilant, L., and Mitani, J.C. (2017). Group augmentation, collective action, and territorial boundary patrols by male chimpanzees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 114: 7337-7342.
Luef, E.M., and Pika, S. (2017). Reciprocal greeting in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at the Ngogo community. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 43: 263-273. doi:
Sandel, A.A., Reddy, R.B., and Mitani, J.C. (2017). Adolescent male chimpanzees do not form a dominance hierarchy with their peers. Primates, 58: 39–49.
Surbeck, M., Langergraber, K.E., Fruth, B., Vigilant, L., and Hohmann, G. (2017). Male reproductive skew is higher in bonobos than chimpanzees. Current Biology, 27: R640-R641.
Surbeck, M., Girard-Buttoz, C., Boesch, C., Crockford, C., Fruth, B., Hohmann, G., Langergraber, K.E., Zuberbuhler, K., Wittig, R., and Mundry, R. (2017). Sex-specific association patterns in bonobos and chimpanzees reflect species differences in cooperation. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 161081.
Wood, B.M., Watts, D.P., Mitani, J.C., and Langergraber, K.E. (2017). Favorable ecological circumstances promote life expectancy in chimpanzees similar to that of human hunter-gatherers. Journal of Human Evolution, 105: 41-56.
Bădescu, I., Katzenberg, M.A., Watts, D.P., and Sellen, D.W. (2016). A novel fecal stable isotope approach to determine the timing of age-related feeding transitions in wild infant chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 162(2): 285-299.
Bădescu, I., Watts, D.P., Katzenberg, M.A., and Sellen, D.W. (2016). Alloparenting is associated with reduced maternal lactation effort and faster weaning in wild chimpanzees. Royal Society Open Science, 3(11): 160577.
Carlson, B.A. and Crowley, B.E. (2016). Variation in carbon isotope values among chimpanzee foods at Ngogo, Kibale National Park and Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 78(10): 1031-1040.
Potts, K.B., Baken, E., Ortmann, S., Watts, D.P., and Wrangham, R.W. (2016). Variability in Population Density Is Paralleled by Large Differences in Foraging Efficiency in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). International Journal of Primatology, 36(6): 1101-1119.
Potts, K.B., Baken, E., Levang, A., and Watts, D.P. (2016). Ecological factors influencing habitat use by chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 78(4): 432-440.
Sandel, A.A., Reddy, R.B., and Mitani, J.C. (2016). Adolescent male chimpanzees do not form a dominance hierarchy with their peers. Primates, 58(1): 39-49.
Sarringhaus, L.A., MacLatchy, L.M., and Mitani, J.C. (2016). Long bone cross-sectional properties reflect changes in locomotor behavior in developing chimpanzees. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 160: 16–29.
Watts, D.P. (2016). Production of grooming-associated sounds by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Ngogo: variation, social learning, and possible functions. Primates, 57: 61-72.
Krief, S., Watts, D.P., Mitani, J.C., Krief, J.M., Cibot, M., Bortolamiol, S., Seguya, A.G., and Couly, G. (2015). Two Cases of Cleft Lip and Other Congenital Anomalies in Wild Chimpanzees Living in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal, 52,(6): 743-750.
Watts, D.P., and Mitani, J.C. (2015). Hunting and prey switching by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Ngogo. International Journal of Primatology, 36: 728-748.
Watts, D.P. (2015). Mating behavior of adolescent male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Primates: 56, 163-172.
Wilson, M.L., Boesch, C., Fruth, B., Furuichi, T., Gilby, I.C., Hashimoto, C., Hobaiter, C.L., Hohmann, G., Itoh, N., Koops, K., Lloyd, J.N., Matsuzawa, T., Mitani, J.C., Mjungu, D.C., Morgan, D., Muller, M.N., Mundry, R., Nakamura, M., Pruetz, J., Pusey, A.E., Riedel, J., Sanz, C., Schel, A.M., Simmons, N., Waller, M., Watts, D.P., White, F., Wittig, R.M., Zuberbühler, K., and Wrangham, R.W. (2014). Lethal aggression in Pan is better explained by adaptive strategies than human impacts. Nature: 513(7518), 414.
Langergraber, K.E., Rowney, C., Schubert, G., Crockford, C., Hobaiter, C., Wittig, R., Wrangham, R.W., Zuberbuehler, K., and Vigilant, L. (2014). How old are chimpanzee communities? Time to the most recent common ancestor of the Y-chromosome in highly patrilocal societies. Journal of Human Evolution: 69, 1-7. [PDF]
Carlson, B.A., Rothman, J.M., and Mitani, J.C. (2013). Diurnal Variation in Nutrients and Chimpanzee Foraging Behavior. American Journal of Primatology, 75: 342-349. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., Mitani, J.C., Watts, D.P., and Vigilant, L. (2013). Male–female socio-spatial relationships and reproduction in wild chimpanzees. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: 67(6), 861-873. [PDF]
Sobolewski, M.E., Brown, J.L., and Mitani, J.C. (2013). Female parity, male aggression, and the Challenge Hypothesis in wild chimpanzees. Primates, 54: 81-88. [PDF]
Wakefield, M.L. (2013). Social dynamics among females and their influence on social structure in an East African chimpanzee community. Animal Behaviour, 85(6): 1303-1313. [PDF]
Watts, D.P., and Amsler, S.J. (2013). Chimpanzee-red colobus encounter rates show a red colobus population decline associated with predation by chimpanzees at Ngogo. American Journal of Primatology: 75(9), 927-937. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., Prüfer, K. Rowney, C., Boesch, C., Crockford, C., Fawcett, K., Inoue, E., Inoue-Muruyama, M., Mitani, J.C., Muller, M.N., Robbins, M.M., Schubert, G., Stoinski, T.S., Viola, B., Watts, D., Wittig, R.M., Wrangham, R.W., Zuberbühler, K., Pääbo, S., and Vigilant, L. (2012). Generation times in wild chimpanzees and gorillas suggest earlier divergence times in great ape and human evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109(39): 15716-15721. [PDF]
McIntosh, A.M., Bennett, C., Dickson, D., Anestis, S.F., Watts, D.P., Webster, T.H., Fontenot, M.B., and Bradley, B.J. (2012). The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene appears functionally monomorphic in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). PLoS ONE, 7(10): e47760. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047760. [PDF]
Sobolewski, M.E., Brown, J.L., and Mitani, J.C. (2012). Territoriality , tolerance and testosterone in wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 84: 1469-1474. [PDF]
Watts, D.P. (2012). Long-term research on chimpanzee behavioral ecology in Kibale National Park, Uganda. In: P.M. Kappeler, and D. Watts (eds.), Long-Term Field Studies of Primates (pp. 313-228). Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Watts, D.P., Potts, K.B., Lwanga, J.S., and Mitani, J.C. (2012). Diet of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, 1. diet composition and diversity. American Journal of Primatology, 74: 114–129. [PDF]
Watts, D.P., Potts, K.B., Lwanga, J.S., and Mitani, J.C. (2012). Diet of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, 2. temporal variation and fallback foods. American Journal of Primatology, 74: 130–144. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., and Vigilant, L. (2011). Genetic differences cannot be excluded from generating behavioural differences among chimpanzee groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B, Biological Sciences, 278: 2094-2095. [PDF]
Langergraber, K., Schubert, G., Rowney, C., Wrangham, R., Zommers, Z., and Vigilant, L. (2011). Genetic differentiation and the evolution of cooperation in chimpanzees and humans. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B, Biological Sciences, 278: 2546-2552. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., Boesch, C., Inoue, E., Inoue-Murayama, M., Mitani, J., Nishida, T., Pusey, A., Reynolds, V., Schubert, G., Wrangham, R., Wroblewski, E., and Vigilant, L. (2011). Genetic and “cultural” similarity in wild chimpanzees. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London – Series B, Biological Sciences, 278: 408-416. [PDF]
Lwanga, J., Struhsaker, T., Struhsaker, P., Butynski, T., and Mitani, J.C. (2011). Primate population dynamics over 32.9 years at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 73: 997 – 1011. [PDF]
Potts, K.B. (2011). The long-term impact of timber harvesting on the resource base of chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Biotropica, 43: 256–264. [PDF]
Potts, K.B., Watts, D.P., and Wrangham, R.W. (2011). Comparative feeding ecology of two chimpanzee communities in Kibale National Park (Uganda). International Journal of Primatology, 32(3): 669-690. [PDF]
2010 and earlier
Amsler, S.J. (2010). Energetic costs of territorial boundary patrols by wild chimpanzees. American Journal of Primatology, 72: 93–103. [PDF]
Mitani, J.C., Amsler, S., and Sobolewski, M. (2010). Chimpanzee minds in nature. In: E. Lonsdorf, S. Ross, and T. Matsuzawa (eds.), The Chimpanzee Mind. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Mitani, J.C., Watts, D., and Amsler, S. (2010). Lethal intergroup aggression leads to territorial expansion in wild chimpanzees. Current Biology, 20: R507-R508. [PDF]
Muehlenbein, M., and Watts, D. (2010). The costs of dominance: testosterone, cortisol and intestinal parasites in wild male chimpanzees. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 4(1): 1-12. [PDF]
Emery Thompson, M. Muller, M.N., Wrangham, R.W., Lwanga, J.S., and Potts, K.B. (2009). Urinary C-peptide tracks seasonal and individual variation in energy balance in wild chimpanzees. Hormones and Behavior, 55: 299-305. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., Mitani, J.C., and Vigilant, L. (2009). Kinship and social bonds in female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). American Journal of Primatology, 71: 840-851. [PDF]
Mitani, J.C. (2009). Cooperation and competition in chimpanzees: Current understanding and future challenges. Evolutionary Anthropology, 18: 215-227. [PDF]
Mitani, J.C. (2009). Male chimpanzees form enduring and equitable social bonds. Animal Behaviour, 77: 633-640. [PDF]
Pika, S., and Mitani, J.C. (2009). The directed scratch: evidence for a referential gesture in chimpanzees? In: R. Botha and C. Knight (eds.), The Prehistory of Language (pp. 166-180). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Potts, K.B., Chapman, C.A., and Lwanga, J.S. (2009). Floristic heterogeneity between forested sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda: insights into the fine-scale determinants of density in a large-bodied frugivorous primate. Journal of Animal Ecology, 78: 1269–1277. [PDF]
Isabirye-Basuta, G., and Lwanga, J.S. (2008). Primate populations and their interactions with changing habitats. International Journal of Primatology, 29: 35-48. [PDF]
Liu, W., Worobey, M., Keele, B., Bibollet-Ruche, F., Goepfert, P., Santiago, M., Ndjango, J., Neel, C., Clifford, S., Sanz, C., Kamenya, S., Wilson, M., Pusey, A., Gross-Camp, N., Boesch, C., Smith, V., Zamma, K., Huffman, M., Mitani, J.C., Watts, D., Peeters, M., Shaw, G., Switzer, W., Sharp, P., and Hahn, B. (2008). Molecular ecology and natural history of simian foamy virus infection in wild-living chimpanzees. PLoS Pathogens, 4: e1000097. [PDF]
Teelen, S. (2008). Influence of chimpanzee predation on the red colobus population at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Primates, 49: 41-49. [PDF]
Wakefield, M. (2008). Grouping patterns and competition among female Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. International Journal of Primatology, 29: 907-929. [PDF]
Watts, D.P. (2008). Tool use by chimpanzees at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. International Journal of Primatology, 29: 83-94. [PDF]
Watts, D.P. (2008). Scavenging by chimpanzees at Ngogo and the relevance of chimpanzee scavenging to early hominin behavioral ecology. Journal of Human Evolution, 54: 125-133. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., Mitani, J.C., Wrangham, R.W., Reynolds, V., Hunt, K.D., and Vigilant, L. (2007). The genetic signature of sex-biased migration in patrilocal chimpanzees and humans. PLoS ONE, 2: e973. [PDF]
Langergraber, K.E., Mitani, J.C., and Vigilant, L. (2007). The limited impact of kinship on cooperation in wild chimpanzees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 104: 7786-7790. [PDF]
Watts, D.P. (2007). Effects of male group size, parity, and cycle stage on female chimpanzee copulation rates at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Primates, 48: 222-231. [PDF]
Pika, S., and Mitani, J.C. (2006). Referential-gestural communication in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). Current Biology, 16(6): R191-R192. [PDF]
Watts, D.P. (2006). Conflict resolution in chimpanzees and the valuable-relationships hypothesis. International Journal of Primatology, 27: 1337-1364. [PDF]
Watts, D.P., Muller, M., Amsler, S., Mbabazi, G., and Mitani, J.C. (2006). Lethal intergroup aggression by chimpanzees in Kibale National Park, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 68: 161-180. [PDF]
Mitani, J.C. (2005). Chimpanzee behavior. In: McGraw-Hill 2005 Yearbook of Science and Technology (pp. 46-48). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Mitani, J.C., and Watts., D.P. (2005a). Primate hunting seasonality. In: D. Brockman and C.P. van Schaik (eds.), Seasonality in Primate: Studies of Living and Extinct Human and Nonhuman Primates (pp. 215-242). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mitani, J.C., and Watts, D.P. (2005b). Correlates of territorial boundary patrol behaviour in chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour, 70: 1079-1086. [PDF]
Muller, M., and Mitani, J.C. (2005). Conflict and cooperation in wild chimpanzees. In: P.J.B. Slater, J. Rosenblatt, C. Snowdon, T. Roper, and M. Naguib (eds.), Advances in the Study of Behavior (pp. 275-331). New York: Elsevier. [PDF]
Nishida, T., Mitani, J.C. and Watts, D.P. (2004). Variable grooming behaviours in wild chimpanzees. Folia Primatologica, 75: 31-36. [PDF]
Muehlenbein, M.P., Watts, D.P., and Whitten, P.L. (2004). Dominance rank and fecal testosterone levels in adult male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. American Journal of Primatology, 64: 71-82. [PDF]
Watts, D.P. (2004). Intracommunity coalitionary killing of an adult male chimpanzee at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. International Journal of Primatology, 25: 507-521. [PDF]
Mitani, J.C., and Amsler, S. (2003). Social and spatial aspects of male subgrouping in a community of wild chimpanzees. Behaviour, 140: 869-884. [PDF]
Mitani, J.C., and Watts, D.P. (2003). Field research at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Pan Africa News, 10: 3-4. [Link]